Our approach

To propose

TEREA offers its clients environmentally friendly solutions for a sustainable and responsible development of their activities.

To analyze

Through environmental, forestry or social studies, TEREA analyzes the direct and indirect impacts of a project on the natural environment, the ecological balance, the quality of life and the environment of the populations living in the area of influence of the project.

To advise

TEREA advises its clients in the development of their environmental strategy by helping them identify the standards to rely on, the policies to adopt, the solutions to measure and control their impacts, the practices and procedures to set up, the human and financial resources to commit, etc.

To share

TEREA shares with its clients the best possible skills for their project to succeed, by mobilizing local resources, promoting skills transfer, providing the necessary technical assistance and training actions.

To accompany

TEREA supports its clients in change, helps them take into account the major global issues on the environment, biodiversity, climate change, the rights and duties of local populations.