Armelle Raymonde Okomo Nkoa

Executive Assistant TEREA Cameroon

Assignement : Cameroun

Geographical area :

  • File preparation and follow-up,
  • Management of the Director's agenda, calls and mail,
  • Meetings and appointments organization,
  • Review and provide the necessary documents for effective management.
Education - Training
  • Bachelor's degree (BTS) Executive Secretary - Institut SupĂ©rieur des Technologies AppliquĂ©es et de Gestion (ISTAG) - YaoundĂ©, Cameroon;
  • English Level B - American Language Center Bastos - YaoundĂ©;
  • Secretarial Baccalaureate - LycĂ©e Technique de Sangmelima.

Active since 2017. With Terea since 2020.