Capucine Badinier

Director TEREA Argentina

Assignement : Argentine

Geographical area : Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Salvador, Spain, France, Nicaragua, Paraguay

  • Developing the consultancy's activities in Latin America and Central America in the field of natural resources sustainable management
  • Prospecting, drafting of technical and financial offers, implementation of projects
  • Technical and financial monitoring of local development projects
  • Private and public studies on sustainable management and climate change in the forestry sector
  • Forest management plans and coordination of field inventories
Education - Training
  • Bachelor's degree (DUT) in Applied Biology with a major in Agronomy, 2000, IUT Perpignan, France
  • Forestry Engineer, 2004, FIF / ENGREF (National School of Rural Engineering, Water Resources and Forestry), Nancy - France

Active since 2004. With Terea since 2011.