TEREA celebrates the International Day of Forests with a look back at current projects around the world related to this important ecosystem

The 21st of March is the International Day of Forests, an important date for TEREA, which dedicates most of its activities to this diverse and important ecosystem, with considerable stakes for our planet and our society.

TEREA is involved in projects related to :

  • The sustainable management of forests, through :
    • The implementation of Management Plans of private forestry companies in the Congo Basin
    • The participation in the elaboration of the Participatory Management Plan of the classified forest of Rapides Grah in Ivory Coast, financed by the World Bank.
    • Support for the certification of Sustainable Forest Management (FSC/PAFC) of private forestry companies in the Congo Basin
  • Forest preservation:
    • Environmental and social impact studies of projects that may impact forest environment
    • North Congo Forest Landscape Project, implemented over 4 years by the TEREA-AGRECO-CIRAD consortium with funding from AFD - Agence Française de Développement, whose component 1 aims to improve the management of biodiversity and ecological corridors at the scale of the forest massif
  • Taking into account the ecosystem services provided by the forest:
    • Development of a tool for estimating GHG emissions and a tool for mapping carbon stocks at the scale of forest concessions within the framework of the Congo Basin PAFC certification, financed by the PPECF
    • Biodiversity inventories of private forest concessions in the Congo Basin
  • Association of expert groups on SFM:
    • TEREA is co-secretary of the ATIBT carbon commission
    • TEREA is an active member of the ATIBT certification commission

TEREA is also in the process of diversifying its activities by developing plantation projects integrating a strengthened ecosystem approach (climate, environmental and social issues) associated with the generation of certified carbon credits.
