Study of the initial state of the natural environment as part of the environmental and social impact assessment of the Ngoulmendjim and Dibwangui hydroelectric schemes in Gabon

Ref 2017-002-G

Forest and tropical timber industry
Central Africa

As part of the emerging Gabon strategic plan, the State of Gabon aims to develop a sustainable, diversified and accessible electricity supply for all, with the objective of increasing the share of hydroelectricity in the energy mix to 80%, in order to meet demand at a competitive cost. The government has signed two concession contracts financing, construction and operation of two hydroelectric schemes, one at Ngoulmendjim and another at Dibwangui.

Within the framework of the instruction of the hydroelectric installations of the sites of Ngoulmendjim and Dibwangui, TEREA carried out the study of the initial state of the natural environment, expertise preliminary to the study of the environmental and social impact of the hydroelectric installations of these two sites. This expertise includes the following áreas:

  • Water quality (including mercury in fish flesh)
  • Aquatic fauna (ichthyofauna and macro-benthos)
  • Flora (habitats, threatened flora and flora of conservation interest)
  • Entomofauna
  • Herpetofauna
  • Avifauna
  • Large mammal fauna

The fieldwork was carried out over the course of a year to take account of seasonal variations.