Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Baniaka Iron Ore mine exploitation
Ref 2021-060-G
Forest and tropical timber industry
Central Africa
Ressources Minières d'Afrique Centrale Gabon SA (Reminac) holds two contiguous iron ore exploration permits in the Haut-Ogooué province, for which exploration has begun and has estimated the resources present at around 229.2 million tonnes of iron mineralisation.
In this context, Reminac carried out an assessment of the social and environmental impact of the mining project, by drafting an ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment). The purpose of this study was to assess the direct and indirect impact of the project on the ecological balance, quality of life and living environment of the people living in the project area and adjacent areas.
Within this framework, TEREA was in charge of the coordination of the impact study with various engineering firms and was more particularly implied in :
- The study scoping meeting,
- Drafting the Terms of Reference,
- Compiling all the technical data for the impact study report,
- Stakeholder consultation meetings and public consultations,
- Fieldwork in the following areas: social, medium and large mammal surveys, water quality, air quality and noise,
- Drafting of the Environmental and Social Management Plan,
- The ESIA validation meeting.